Garden Envy

Since I love to putter with plants, I take pride in my garden and enjoy hearing people say they like walking by and seeing our flowers. Unfortunately, a late start this summer meant the plants didn’t achieve much of a full look. Apparently, June was a chill, rainy month, so I’ve been told that I didn’t miss much good planting time this spring.

I look around with envy at neighbors while I saunter around our little community. Their blooms fill me with determination to get an earlier start next year.

Judy’s Flowers

I’ve captured some to share with you here. This first batch is from Judy’s garden and she has faithful perennials that come back year after year. The bees love them and the butterflies too. This inspires me to put in a black-eyed Susan that will return each year.

Jackie’s Flowers

I see that Jackie makes good use of annuals for color that lasts all summer. They even have inpatients hanging on the trees. The other plantings are petunias which you need some sun for.

They have daylilies too and some herbs in planters. This gets away from the tree roots invading the planting beds.

I'm a retired librarian...photographer, online content creator, genealogist, political activist, and writer. My passion is convincing people to preserve their family history and to write about their childhood memories.

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