Decluttering the Cottage

After years of summer fun at the cottage, you start to feel crowded. What’s happening? It’s the same size that it has always been. You still spend most of your time outside enjoying the woods and the wonderful weather. Then you analyze the situation and realize that you have too much stuff.

There’s the boating stuff (bumpers, fishing rods, life jackets, and all that gear) but the boat was sold a few summers ago. There’s the cooking set that you replaced but still hung onto. There is gardening gear that didn’t really suit you. You always use the same old favorites. Ack! Obviously, it is time for some decluttering.

Bulletin Board - items for sale

I see from the bulletin board that I’m not the only one with things to clear out.

Too much in and not enough going out. That’s the problem. I’ll put a list of giveaway stuff and a list of things to sell on the camp bulletin board. Here’s hoping that everyone else hasn’t reached stuff overload yet. Wouldn’t you like a very nice computer printer? How about a monitor?

There are donation boxes for clothes and shoes within a 20-mile radius but you can hardly stuff a computer printer into one of those. Some items might be welcome at the Treasure Shop, so I could drop them off there.

How about you? Are you decluttering too?


I'm a retired librarian...photographer, online content creator, genealogist, political activist, and writer. My passion is convincing people to preserve their family history and to write about their childhood memories.

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Posted in Care of Summer Place

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